So it turns out that making a new resolution at the end of the semester, such as answering a question a day, is rather a stupid move. Go figure. At any rate, it's still a great project, and I'm going to put my hand to the task again.
Today's question is inspired by a story I'm writing right now. I thought it would be cool to give one of my characters an EMP weapon, so this is a two part question: What is an electromagnetic pulse?
According to the Division of Environmental Health, an Electromagnetic pulse is a pulse of energy that causes a powerful electromagnetic field. Most often, an EMP is a side effect of nuclear detonation, occurring when gamma rays ionize the air.
To be honest, this answer raised more questions than it answered for me. I suppose this is a good thing as I need more questions to blog about.
Ciao, I'm off to swim and play a little D&D!
Today's question is inspired by a story I'm writing right now. I thought it would be cool to give one of my characters an EMP weapon, so this is a two part question: What is an electromagnetic pulse?
According to the Division of Environmental Health, an Electromagnetic pulse is a pulse of energy that causes a powerful electromagnetic field. Most often, an EMP is a side effect of nuclear detonation, occurring when gamma rays ionize the air.
To be honest, this answer raised more questions than it answered for me. I suppose this is a good thing as I need more questions to blog about.
Ciao, I'm off to swim and play a little D&D!
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So you want to put your two cents in? Bully for you.